The Congobots

Congobots hard at work Congobots hard at work Our tall robot

Meet the team


Juliet is the more or less the main programmer for team #5874. She also loves to study marine biology. She is going to college next September in NYC, and she will be missed dearly


Gabe is also a senior this year, and will be going to the Columbia in September. In his free time he loves to help at his high school working on the plays.


Parker is a junior this year, and enjoys going up to Vermont.


Jacob is also a junior.


Lucy is a sophmore and out side of robotics she loves to do art projects. She is also leaning to code this summer at a robotics camp at Yale. She is at a web camp this week and is the reason that there is now a website. This is where I learned.

My friends are also making their own websites. They are cool too.

Today we are working on hyper links, so I hope these work


Logan along with his poofy hair are in 9th grade. He also plays in the marching band, luckily he doesn't have to wear hats


Spike whose real name is Rebecca is a bubbly out-going 8th grader. Now that Juliet is leaving, Spike has become her apprentice and is learning her ways.